Milk River Transboundary Aquifer Project
Sharing water resources across provincial and international boundaries as the Milk River watershed does, can be challenging. Knowledge of groundwater and groundwater-surface interactions is increasingly important for watershed management. In the Milk River watershed, the Milk River Aquifer fills a large role in the provision of water for urban and rural residents and in sustaining the Milk River during low flow periods.
MiRTAP will be conducted over a minimum of three years. It will generate a database and synthesize available information regarding the Milk River Aquifer. A conceptual model will be defined for the aquifer, and a 3-dimensional model of the entire aquifer will be built. Through multiple collaborations, an evaluation of the availability and sustainability of groundwater resources, and the vulnerability of the aquifer across boundaries, will lead to effective transboundary aquifer management.
The planned outcomes are:
- Outreach activities that increase public awareness of the groundwater resource
- A standardized groundwater database
- A quantitative synthesis of the aquifer system
- A conceptual model of the groundwater flow system
- A unified map in 2D of the transboundary aquifer
- A unified 3D model of the aquifer across all borders
- A quantitative estimate of the availability and sustainable use of groundwater
Aquifer Maps
Wells (plugged, inactive, and active) and aquifers in the Milk River Watershed.
Bedrock regions with locations of springs and wells.
Vulnerability of aquifers in the Milk River Watershed to contaminants mapped from low to high.
Related Documents
It is important to maintain unused wells during prolonged periods of non-use. Settling of fine clay particles on infiltration galleries may cement wells in if they are not being regularly pumped.