Updates from the MRWCC
2025 Environmental Stewardship Awards
Open for Nominations, see attached pdf for more information.
Milk River Transboundary State of the Watershed Report – 3rd Edition
Call for Proposals
The Milk River watershed is a unique watershed in the most southern part of Alberta. It is unique, known not just for its dry climate, extraordinary landscapes but also for the diverse plant and wildlife communities. This Science Forum is…
Lake Sherburne and St. Mary Canal Operations
At 9:00am on Monday June 17, 2024, a catastrophic failure occurred at the St Mary Syphon over the St Mary River near Babb, Montana. USBR crews were inspecting a crack at the time of the failure and thankfully no one…
Milk River Basin Approved Water Management Plan
The Province of Alberta released the Approved Water Management Plan for the Milk River Basin (Alberta) – Phase One on June 5, 2024. Alberta’s new water management plan for the Milk River basin is one of three approved water management…
St Mary/Milk Diversion operations update
April 15, 2024 Diversions from the St Mary’s to the North Fork Milk River are restarting for the season, flows have started to ramp up this past weekend and will increase to 600cfs Tuesday April 16th, 2024, we will see…
Wild Nights Monitoring Project
What is the project about? In 2024 the Milk River Watershed Council Canada (MRWCC) will be creating a comprehensive inventory and distribution of bats and amphibians, with emphasis on the endangered Little Brown Myotis and threatened Northern Leopard Frog across…
Diversion Start Date
Releases from Lake Sherburne and diversions to the St. Mary Canal are expected to start for the year on March 25, 2024. As in the past, St. Mary Canal diversions will start near 100 cfs and ramp up as ice…
Job Opportunity
The MRWCC and Cows and Fish are co-delivering a new project called Big Stewardship for Little Fish. We are seeking an individual to join our team to work with local landowners, municipalities, and other stakeholders to achieve success of the…