Milk River Road AccessRoads mapped by type in the Milk River Watershed.Read MoreMilk River Road Access
Administrative BoundariesVillages, Towns, and Counties in the Milk River Watershed.Read MoreAdministrative Boundaries
CropsA map of crops classified as cereal, oilseeds, specialty, forage, pasture, and mixed or unknown.Read MoreCrops
Grazing DispositionsA map of grazing dispositions in the Milk River Watershed.Read MoreGrazing Dispositions
Historic TrailsA map of historic trails in the Milk River Watershed provided by Alberta Culture and Community Spirit. Read MoreHistoric Trails
Land OwnershipMap of provincial and freehold land owndership in the Milk River Watershed. Read MoreLand Ownership
Oil and Gas ActivityA map of oil and gas wells, water wells, and pipelines. Read MoreOil and Gas Activity
Parks and Protected AreasA map of parks and environmentally significant areas in the Milk River Watershed. Read MoreParks and Protected Areas
Research & Science Note 6: Water Well Decommissioning and Groundwater ProtectionIt is important to maintain unused wells during prolonged periods of non-use. Settling of fine clay particles on infiltration galleries may cement wells in if they are not being regularly pumped.Read MoreResearch & Science Note 6: Water Well Decommissioning and Groundwater Protection