The Milk River Watershed Council Canada (MRWCC) is a broad partnership of interested and informed people living and working in the Milk River Watershed who provide leadership in watershed management and planning. As a transboundary watershed, we foster good relationships with our Montana neighbours for the continued co-management of the Milk River waters.
Our Mandate: To engage governments, stakeholders, other partnerships, and the public in watershed assessment and watershed management planning, considering existing land and resource management planning processes and decision-making authorities.
Watershed Planning and Advisory Councils
In Alberta, the MRWCC is one of 11 Watershed Planning and Advisory Councils in Alberta. These independent, non-profit organizations report on the health of our watersheds, lead collaborative planning, and facilitate education and stewardship activities. These responsibilities are design to support the goals of Alberta’s Water for Life Strategy:
- Safe, secure drinking water supplies,
- Reliable water supplies for a sustainable economy, and
- Healthy aquatic ecosystems.
Our Mission
The MRWCC strives to proactively conserve and improve the watershed’s environmental, social and economic sustainability through effective partnerships and sound science.
Our Vision
A watershed where community well-being is supported by a vibrant economy and sustained by a healthy environment that will endure for future generations.
Our Goal
To achieve balance among a thriving community, a healthy environment and a prosperous economy through understanding, dialogue and action.
Our Objectives
A credible partner who works collaboratively to recommend and implement sustainable water and land management strategies in the watershed.
Who We Are
The MRWCC is operated by full time staff and 18 Directors. We have also established 4 Teams made up of directors and members to help fulfill the goals of the council.
MRWCC Bylaws
The MRWCC Bylaws cover Membership, Meetings, Board of Directors, and Borrowing.

In January 2005, residents of the Milk River Watershed were asked if they thought a Watershed Planning and Advisory Council that could address local watershed issues would benefit the region. Over 95% of respondents supported a Council that would keep local people involved and informed, address water shortages, increase collaboration, increase funding opportunities and provide a forum to respond to international water management issues.
Following a public meeting held in Milk River on April 27, 2005, an interim Steering Committee was formed. This Committee drafted bylaws, goals and an action plan which ultimately resulted in the formation of the Milk River Watershed Council Canada.

Logo Design
Karen Ellert-Garber of Milk River, Alberta, designed this logo for the Milk River Watershed Council Canada in early 2006.
Karen has lived her entire years on the banks of the Milk River and she is “passionate about the preservation of this amazing prairie ecosystem”.
The MRWCC logo reflects the cooperative way of life among ranchers and farmers in the Milk River Watershed and demonstrates the central life-blood of the Milk River meandering by the back-drop of the Sweet Grass Hills.