St Mary/Milk Diversion operations update
April 15, 2024
Diversions from the St Mary’s to the North Fork Milk River are restarting for the season, flows have started to ramp up this past weekend and will increase to 600cfs Tuesday April 16th, 2024, we will see near bank full conditions along much of the Milk River by mid week. It is anticipated this diversion rate will be maintained until at least early May.
Repairs were completed on the St Mary siphon early last week when after only a few hours of operation, a turnout on the canal failed. Crews worked for several days on removing the failed turnout and backfilling the canal bank. Weather conditions slowed the necessary work.
We have now passed the average peek snow load for the season in the upper St Mary’s, and conditions are still well below normal which will be a challenge for late season operation and river flows.
Additional updates will be shared when available, be sure to subscribe to our membership list to receive important updates and be the first to hear about events and projects within the watershed.
On Saturday, April 13, 2024:
Increase release from Lake Sherburne to 300 cfs
Increase diversion to the St. Mary Canal to 250 cfs
On Sunday, April 14, 2024:
Increase release from Lake Sherburne to 400 cfs
Increase diversion to the St. Mary Canal to 350 cfs
On Monday, April 15, 2024:
Increase release from Lake Sherburne to 500 cfs
Increase diversion to the St. Mary Canal to 450 cfs
On Tuesday, April 16, 2024:
Increase release from Lake Sherburne to 600 cfs
Increase diversion to the St. Mary Canal to 600 cfs