Diversion operations and projected shutdown/return to natural flow
A quick note regarding diversion operations and the projected shutdown/return to natural flow only on the Milk River:
- On August 25th (Friday) the diversion will be reduced to 400cfs, by the end of the weekend we will see a significant reduction in flow nearing the Town of Milk River.
- As of August 23rd, Storage in the Sherburne Reservoir was approximately 22% with approximately 14,300 ac feet of water, only ~4300ac are accessible for diversion to the Milk River as ~10,000ac is the dead pool and inaccessible.
- No shut down schedule has been confirmed yet by the USBR, but we anticipate the Canal being fully shut down by Sept 1st producers are encouraged to consider making arrangements for low or zero flow management with livestock and off stream watering systems in adjacent pastures. This is about 2 weeks earlier than average.
Thank you for following our water updates during the 2023 season, we will share any additional changes as we are made aware. Keep following the MRWCC social feeds for more information and opportunities to get involved with our watershed.