Securing a Home for Bats in the Milk River Watershed – We Need Your Help!

Bats on your property? Curious about the benefits of bats in the watershed? Looking to assist in the research and monitoring of Little Brown Bats? Let us know!

The Milk River Watershed Council will be conducting a research and monitoring project for the Little Brown Myotis throughout 2022. Through the collaboration with landowners across the watershed, our goal is to document important roosting and hibernation sites for this species to develop a better understanding of their population, and bolster their habitats with the implementation of bat houses.

Habitats of Interest
For the purpose of this project, we are particularly interested in seeking out properties with features that are conducive to bat habitat. Abandoned structures and aged buildings, hoodoos, caves, land with mature trees, and riparian wetland areas are all habitats we would be interested in surveying. We would also like to visit any bat houses currently sitting unoccupied to understand why they may be vacant and provide assistance in making
them more bat-friendly

Why We Need Your Help
Bats can provide a wealth of benefits both ecologically and economically with regards to farmland. By assisting in the identification of Little Bat Habitat in the watershed, you can aid in the monitoring of these populations to identify trends in these populations and protect critical habitat. In return, we will be providing landowners with complimentary bat houses to be installed on their properties to help provide complimentary roosting habitat for these bats. Additionally, we are seeking sunset bat-count volunteers – this provides the perfect opportunity for individuals of all ages to join us in the field and experience bats first hand!

If you are interested in learning about more opportunities to assist in this project, please contact Allison Choquette at or 403-647-4035.

Learn more about the project and how you can help them on your own land:

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In 2024 the MRWCC will be creating a comprehensive inventory and distribution of bats and …
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A final update and completed summary of the Securing a Home For Bats Project.
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The purpose of this project is to identify and document important roost sites being used by the Little Brown Myotis throughout the watershed.