Diversion Flows to the Milk River have increased
After a delayed start, diversions from the St Mary River to the Diversion canal have increased to 600 cfs on May 17th anticipated operations are to hold fast at that level for at least the next couple weeks; conditions do change frequently and there maybe unexpected changes. From the period ending May 15th the USBR was only able to create a 97cfs day deficit from the St Marys for repayment to Canadian Milk River water users under the provisions of the letter of intent. This is a reminder to irrigators we will likely be reliant on natural flow of the milk river for the provision of irrigation this summer. For recreational users, conditions are anticipated to stay within safe parameters for recreational use and navigation of the river.
Conditions change quickly, watch www.albertarivers.ca for real time conditions and subscribe to our free membership to get regular updates from the MRWCC.