Updates from the MRWCC
Milk River Transboundary State of the Watershed Report – 3rd Edition
The Milk River Transboundary State of the Watershed Report is the culmination of ongoing dialogue, collaboration and the dedicated effort put forward by many organizations and individuals from Alberta, Saskatchewan and Montana.
Thank you to everyone who contributed to the successful completion of this 3rd Edition.
Call for Proposals
The Milk River watershed is a unique watershed in the most southern part of Alberta. It is unique, known not just for its dry climate, extraordinary landscapes but also for the diverse plant and wildlife communities. This Science Forum is a way to showcase scientific research/project findings that have been conducted in and around the…
River Conditions Update
Diversion Start Date
Releases from Lake Sherburne and diversions to the St. Mary Canal are expected to start for the year on March 25, 2024. As in the past, St. Mary Canal diversions will start near 100 cfs and ramp up as ice is cleared from infrastructure. It was noted at the February 15th International Joint Commission –…
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Featured Plans and Studies
This project studies the erosion processes and potential impacts in the watershed.
The 2nd edition of the report documenting general trends in the Milk River watershed.
Recommendations on natural resource management.